
What Is IR (Interventional Radiology)?

Nov 13, 2024
What Is IR (Interventional Radiology)?
When considering radiology, you probably think of X-rays that detect fractures. However, that’s just the beginning. Interventional radiology helps us diagnose and treat much more. Here’s a peek at what IR can do.

Where would we be without X-rays? When a Bavarian physics professor accidentally discovered the technology in 1895, he likely had no idea how far it would take modern medicine.

Today, the field of radiology goes well beyond X-rays. Interventional radiology (IR) now encompasses a wide and growing range of tools and treatments, including ultrasound, CT scans, fluoroscopy (live X-rays), and more. 

 At Minimally Invasive Medical Group in Irvine, Lake Forest, and Mission Viejo, California, our team specializes in IR, an emerging field with numerous applications. Here’s an overview.

Interventional radiology 101

Because IR uses imaging guidance, it’s minimally invasive. What’s more, it addresses complex medical problems with minimal discomfort and unprecedented accuracy. 

IR provides solutions for vascular conditions, cancers, and even specific men’s and women’s health issues.

Not all physicians are qualified to use IR. Our physicians undergo extensive training and are well-versed in using advanced imaging technologies, allowing us to perform intricate procedures that are often less risky than traditional surgeries. 

How does interventional radiology work?

Most IR treatments start with something as simple as a needle prick. Once the needle is in place, our interventional radiologist uses a thin wire and a catheter smaller than a strand of spaghetti to reach the treatment area. We navigate tools through your blood vessels to target the source of pain or disease.

While it may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, these methods are part of everyday practice in modern medicine. The benefits are clear: less risk, reduced pain, and nearly no recovery time needed to achieve a major invasive procedures with the virtually minimal endovenous approach.

This advanced approach lets us reach the affected areas without damaging your surrounding tissues.

What about radiation safety?

Radiation is a game-changer. However, it does come with a few risks. 

Our interventional radiologists follow strict federal guidelines to minimize your exposure. We use the least amount of radiation necessary.

Conditions we treat with interventional radiology

At Minimally Invasive Medical Group, we primarily use IR to treat knee pain, uterine fibroids, and hemorrhoids. However, the capabilities go far beyond those conditions. IR enables us to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions and help us perform several procedures, including but not limited to:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Degenerative knee pain
  • Prostate Hypertrophic
  • Uterine FibroidsLiver
  • Vascular disorders in the legs

Whether you’re dealing with vascular problems, cancer, or other complex medical conditions, IR provides treatment options. 

Call Minimally Invasive Medical Group or book online to schedule a consultation with one of our IR specialists to determine if interventional radiology is right for you.