
Facet Block

Minimally Invasive Surgery, Interventional Radiology & Pain Management located in Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and Irvine, CA

Facet Block

About Facet Block

Facet block injections deliver powerful anti-inflammatory medication and local anesthetic for the relief of chronic or severe spinal pain. If neck or back pain affects your quality of life, Minimally Invasive Medical Group can help at offices in Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, and Irvine, California. The team uses advanced imaging technology to deliver facet injections that relieve back and neck pain caused by facet joint arthritis. Learn about the use of PRP injections for your joint pain.  Discover how you could benefit from their exceptional skill by calling your nearest Minimally Invasive Medical Group office today. Alternatively, use the online booking tool to schedule a consultation.

Facet Block Q&A

What are facet block injections?

Your facet joints are at the back of the vertebrae in your spine. They link the vertebrae together and allow your spine to bend, controlling the extent and direction of spinal movement.

Conditions like arthritis can cause facet joint pain. A facet block delivers powerful medications around the joints to relieve pain and inflammation. Around 60% of patients who have facet injections benefit from them, with many experiencing enduring relief.

Facet joint injections can also be diagnostic, helping to establish the precise origin of your pain.

What medications do facet block injections contain?

The facet block injections Minimally Invasive Medical Group uses typically contain local anesthetic, often with a steroid medication.

Local anesthetic temporarily numbs the painful part of your back. The effects are swift but don’t last long. Steroid medications have potent anti-inflammatory properties. They begin to work in 4-6 hours for some patients but can take up to a week for others. Steroids don’t mask pain but reduce it by tackling chronic inflammation and swelling.

When might I need facet block injections?

Facet blocks are an effective treatment for facet joint arthritis. Initially, treatment for this condition is likely to involve conservative approaches, including oral pain relief medication and physical therapy. However, these methods don’t work for everyone.

After evaluating your symptoms and analyzing the results of any X-rays or other scans, your Minimally Invasive Medical Group provider may decide to offer you a course of facet injections.

They can also use facet blocks to determine where the pain originates when other investigations are inconclusive.

What happens when I have a facet block injection?

Minimally Invasive Medical Group performs facet block injections as an outpatient procedure. You lie on your tummy, and your provider cleans the injection site on your back. They inject a local anesthetic under your skin to reduce any discomfort as the spinal needle goes in.

Your provider uses imaging technology to view the needle’s progress and ensure it delivers the medication to the right spot.

You may feel sore after the injection, and the site might be tender. It’s not unusual for your back pain to worsen for a few days before you start experiencing any improvement.

Facet block injections could provide much-needed symptom relief from treatment-resistant back or neck pain, so call Minimally Invasive Medical Group or book an appointment online today.