
Radiofrequency Ablation

Minimally Invasive Surgery, Interventional Radiology & Pain Management located in Lake Forest, Mission Viejo and Irvine, CA

Radiofrequency Ablation

About Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is a safe and effective treatment for various types of chronic pain. It’s also minimally invasive, reducing the risk of complications and speeding recovery. At Minimally Invasive Medical Group, with offices in Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, and Irvine, California, the minimally invasive surgical team specializes in radiofrequency ablation. After an exam, they can make personalized treatment recommendations to relieve pain and improve your quality of life. Call the nearest Minimally Invasive Medical Group office to schedule an appointment, or book your visit online today.

Radiofrequency Ablation Q&A

What is radiofrequency ablation (RFA)? 

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radio waves to heat up and destroy nerve tissue. This prevents the nerve tissue from sending pain signals to your brain, providing long-lasting pain relief. 

How can radiofrequency ablation help me?

Radiofrequency ablation provides several benefits, including:

  • Lasting relief from chronic pain
  • Improved mobility and function
  • Reduced use of pain medication
  • An alternative to invasive orthopedic surgery

Because radiofrequency ablation is versatile, it can treat various health problems, including peripheral nerve pain, joint pain, back pain, cancer pain, and more.

What can I expect during radiofrequency ablation?

Radiofrequency ablation is an outpatient procedure. Before treatment begins, you lie face down on an X-ray table. Your Minimally Invasive Medical Group provider then administers mild anesthesia that lets you relax without causing you to fall asleep.

After the anesthetic sets in, your provider inserts a very thin needle into the area where you’re experiencing pain, such as your lower back or knee. Then, your provider uses X-ray imaging to guide the needle into the proper position. 

Once the needle is in place, your provider injects a local painkiller through the needle into the treatment site. Next, a radiofrequency current is sent through the needle. The current heats the nerves that are causing your pain, destroying the tissue, and preventing pain signals from reaching your brain. Your provider might repeat this process multiple times if several nerves are responsible for your symptoms.

Your Minimally Invasive Medical Group provider removes the needle at the end of treatment, bandages the needle site, and provides recovery instructions.

What is recovery like after radiofrequency ablation?

After radiofrequency ablation, you need someone to pick you up and drive you home. Take at least 24 hours off work, avoid strenuous activity, and get plenty of rest. After a day or two, you can return to your regular routine.

It’s normal to experience mild soreness, pain, and muscle spasms. Take any medications your provider prescribes and use ice to reduce these symptoms. Your provider might also prescribe physical therapy.

About a week after your initial treatment, you return to Minimally Invasive Medical Group for a checkup. Your provider uses this time to assess your recovery and answer any questions you have.

Call the nearest Minimally Invasive Medical Group office to schedule a radiofrequency ablation consultation, or book your visit online today.